Why was I born?

Originally published 8/11/2018 on Wordpress

I once heard someone say that the two most important days in your life are the day you were born and and the day you figure out why.

I have spent many hours and many days mulling over this simple statement. I have even re quoted it to lots of family and friends. The only thing though is that I don’t think I have figured it out yet for myself.

Why was I born? Am I there yet and just don’t know it?

A few years ago, I read a Jodi Picoult novel My Sister’s Keeper about parents who had a child for the sole purpose of having a bone marrow donor for their other child who had leukemia. Here is a case of knowing for sure the exact reason you were born. The reason unfortunately is not this crystal clear for the rest of us.

Sure I have a profession as do many of you. But is my profession or my job, why I was born, what I am meant to be doing? Is it my reason for being. Or is there something else that I have still to uncover. Many of us decide on a profession upon getting to college at the age of 16-18 years old. Is that old enough, wise enough to have that kind of knowledge? Maybe not. Evidenced by the fact that many people change their majors several times in the first 2 years of college. Yet many others change careers later on in life. Perhaps that’s because they found their calling or their reason for being.

But still I ask, how do we know? Will there be the proverbial Oprah aha! moment or lightbulb moment or lightning or thunder? Or is it something that we just feel. Or maybe we are there and just don’t know it.

I don’t know why, but this really bothers me.

I am the kind of person that want answers. I hate riddles for that reason. So this particular question bugs me and I really want to know.

What about you? Have you figured out why you were born?

If so how did you find out?

Please share your insights into this puzzling question.

As always thanks for reading.



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