Taking stock

Originally published 1/1/2019

As 2018 comes to a close, it is a time to take stock of what you’ve accomplished and what you hope to accomplish in the new year.

My year started with the celebration of a milestone birthday and ended with laying my 105 year old grandfather to rest. Both are celebrations of life of sorts. I turned 50 which is the midway of my life and he a centenarian.

People call it an end of the year analysis or taking stock or making resolutions for the new year.

So first off, taking stock of 2018, and reviewing what I have accomplished and what I am most proud of.

-I got my son off to college and embarked on my new empty nest life with my husband

-I gathered together different groups of women through the year to strengthen bonds of sister friends and family. This was done in the form of a monthly dinner club, trips and a few fun activities through the year

– I listened to several audio books and read quite a few books this past year

-I started a blog live-balancinglifewithjovita.com as a stepping stone to fulfill my love of writing

-I started my @lifewithdrjovita Instagram account to help promote my message of healthy living and living your best life

As far as my resolutions, that’s a little more challenging. To me a resolution implies making a promise. It is something that you have to do and I really hate putting so much pressure on myself.

Instead, I like to call it goals, aspirations and intentions for the new year. I then do my best to see it through.

So here it goes. My Goals for 2019 are:

– I want to continue to blog. I have not been able to do it weekly as I wanted when I started, so I will do my best to stay on once to twice monthly schedule.

-I want to read more. My goal is 20 books this year

– I will attempt a goal of 20 days of exercise each month

-I will continue to attempt to cut out more carbs, eat more plant based and continue a food diary

-I will continue my instagram message of health and wellness. And continue to preach disease prevention

-I want this year to do my best to connect with more extended family

-I want to travel more – with hubby, with family, with girlfriends

-I want to do more community outreach work

-I want to definitely run another 1/2 marathon. Maybe a full marathon?

That is all for now. Hopefully with it written down for all to see, you will all hold me to it.

What do you hope to accomplish this year? Please, do comment below.

And a very Happy new year to you all!

And as always, thanks for reading.



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