Why do I instagram?
Originally published 12/10/2018 on Wordpress
Those who know me know that I am a very private person. I had to be dragged kicking and screaming plus a whole lot of peer pressure into the social media craze. I started tentatively with LinkedIn as this was professional, then ventured into Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Honestly I don’t even understand some of the popular social sites like Snapchat that my kids and their friends love. I have slowly stirred away from Facebook as I don’t appreciate some of its malignant potential. I find that there is lots of showoffiness (is that even a word?) , bullying and political grandstanding. Instagram I really like because you can post a photo with little or no words and it tells a story. It is so much easier for me to navigate and has become my go to social site.
I initially started to Instagram just to share family photos and various activities and trips. Earlier this year after a lot of soul searching that can only happen after a milestone birthday, I decided to shift the focus slightly.
As a cancer doctor, I see so many young women with young children diagnosed with breast cancer. Many survive and many still do not. I started to think of what else I can do for these women. Medically, I have done all I can. Their families and friends I know do so much else for them with home care and childcare.
When you are faced with a potentially fatal illness all you can think about is ‘am I going to die?’ And the answer is yes we are all going to die. But you don’t want it to be at a young age before you’ve seen your kids graduate from school, get married, have grandkids etc. No one wants to die before they have actually had a chance to LIVE.
So with that Live! Balancing life with Jovita was born. My instagram handle changed to @lifewithjovita.
The idea being that I want to live the life that some of my patients and many others suffering from debilitating or fatal illnesses cannot. So I Instagram my various activities and outings because I want to encourage well, able bodied, healthy women to go out there and LIVE.
I want my platform to be living a healthy lifestyle and living your very best life. I hope to educate, inspire and motivate.
Life is too short and you only live once is not a cliche. It is reality. I know this because I see it daily in practice. Live with no regrets. Travel when you can. Hug your children often. Have fun with your girlfriends. Make time for your spouse or significant other. Don’t get caught up in the minutia of life. Don’t judge others, they too are living their lives.
As always thanks for reading and comment below.